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Health and fitness as a way of life...

I am now at a point in my life where i can honestly say that health and fitness is a natural way of life for me.

After years of feeling like i couldnt fit the mould i have grown to realise that there isnt one...

With cleaver marketing and adverts we have been convinced that the only way to be healthy and fit is to be slim and ripped and that we need to spend lots of money on gym memberships and diet pills to achieve this look.

Im here to tell you that its all lies, you can be fit and healthy and look like you, stronger, faster,leaner,healthier and happier yes...but still you!

So many people are trying to achieve this goal of a slim toned body but actually what they are prepared to do to achieve this look is mind boggling...starving themselves, taking numerous diet pills and over training their bodies all at the risk of their actual can this be? It just doesnt make sense...

We need to remember whats really inportant here...HEALTH...because without our health we have nothing.

If we can change our point of view from wanting to look a certain way to focusing on being healthy then everthing falls into place, we loose the struggle to be everthing we are not and agree to be a fitter healthier version of ourselves.

Rather than foucusing on a week cleanse or a fad diet to create a quick fix why not try planning a realistic workout and eating plan that fits around your life and is something you can sustain for the future?

How about finding a way to involve health and fitness into all aspects of your life and learn how to create health and fitness as a way of life, balanced with social, work and family time!

Next time you are feeling fed up,overweight,un healthy or un fit please dont just reach for the next quick fix, the next fad or product that promises to transform you within a week. Because the truth is there is no quick fix to health and fitness, it takes dedication, lifestyle changes and perseverance to maintain a healthy body...are you ready to give it a try?

Stay tuned for more about healthy workout plans and how to intergrate exercise into a balanced lifestyle.

P.S love your FitCurves xxx

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