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Why women should lift weights...

Gone are the days of endless cardio ladies theres a new way to workout in town and once you start to see the results you will never go back!

When the topic of women lifting weights (above the small pink 1lb dumbells at the gym) alarm bells start to ring for women...

But what if i get bulky?

Wont i look big and manly?

Im here to explain to you why this is not the case and actually how it could be the very thing missing from your workout schedule that can really get your body looking firm,sculpted and toned just like you have always dreamed of!

There are many different ways to lift wights and this is where the common understanding that weights will make you big and manly comes from.

* Yes some people do use heavy weights to gain muscle mass and get bigger these people are usually training in the 5-8 rep range (which means by the time you have completed your last rep you should be unable to complete another even if you tried) and this is the rep range to use for muscle mass and growth.

* On the other end of the scale there are people that use lighter weights and train in the 15-20 rep range, these people are usually training for endurance purposes rather than growth and the high reps also keep the heart rate elevated and act as a form of strength cardio.

* Somwhere in the middle there is what i like to call the magic rep range,this consists of 8-15 reps and is a true combination of muscle growth, muscle tone and also endurance. This is the range we are going to focus on during this post.

Ok so heres an example of my point...imagine how a marathon runner's body looks and then imagine the look of a 100m spinter's body...

Both are beautiful and fantastic at what they do and the effects of their training in their specific sport have had an adverse effect on the way their bodies look.We can take examples from this and use them as a guide to create the best version of the body we have and create our version of fit.

Over the past few years women are deciding that slim and tall is not the only way to be beautiful, Women are starting to embrace their curves with ladies such as Jlo,Beyonce and KimK leading the way.

So if this is you and you want to create the best version of your curves weight lifting in the the magic 8-15 rep range is a brilliant way to just exactly that.

So why not give it a try? What do you have to loose...? and trust me you have everything to gain...since i started weight lifting i have not looked back i found a way to excentuate all my lovely curves and tone and sculpt a more fit and toned version of me!

If you want more information on how to train in the magic rep range and what are some good exercises for women new to weight lifting stay tuned for my blog post later this week...


Me before lifting weights...

Me with weight training being the main component of my workout routine...

I certainly dont think lifting weights makes women look bulky or manly...what do you think? xxx

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